Choosing an Attorney
It is important to carefully select an attorney who will respond to your personal situation. The attorney should not be too busy to meet you individually and to answer questions as necessary. Remember that the person advertising the cheapest rate is not necessarily the best. Many of the best lawyers do not advertise at all.
Professional Services
In performing legal work you will receive a qualified attorney, competent support staff, modern equipment and research facilities.
Your legal problems are given our continuing personal attention in an effort to obtain the best results possible in the most reasonable amount of time and at a reasonable cost. Although we are interested in helping you resolve your personal problems, we are not trained to provide counseling services.
We will make every effort to keep you informed. You will receive copies of all documents prepared or received by us. If at any time you have any question or problems, please call.
Your Responsibilities
I expect you to be cooperative and truthful. If you are not, I will not continue to represent you. I also expect you to handle your financial commitments to my office in a prompt and businesslike manner. Please notify me of any change of address or telephone number or if you learn anything that may affect your case.
Getting Started
Our initial consultation is structured to answer some of your immediate questions and give you a general idea of your rights and responsibilities in your situation. However, we have not accepted your case and cannot act as your attorney until you have retained us. If you wish one of our attorneys to represent you, call our receptionist and tell her you need "a follow-up appointment" to retain us as your attorney. We try to keep time open for those appointments every day so you will be able to get in right away. The follow-up appointment will take about half an hour. You will need to bring to that appointment the signed fee agreement and your check for the retainer.
The exact attorney fee will vary with the service you require and will be discussed during the initial consultation. You will be required to sign a fee agreement and deposit a retainer into a trust account we have set up for clients. Full payment will be due each month.